We all need a vacation now and then to get away from the stresses of daily life. Sometimes, though, that stress can carry over, making it hard to relax. You’re not going to have a good time if you spend your entire vacation worrying about your home security. If you’re anything like me, you have plenty of stuff in your house that you’d like to stay there. Today, our homes are full of valuable electronics and other items, but thankfully, some of these can help protect the rest. With features like remote access and automation, smart home gadgets can be handy security tools to protect your home while you’re on vacation.
Vacation should be a time to relax and forget about your worries. Here are seven technologies to protect your home so you can do that.

Motion sensors and other tech devises can help protect your home
A Video Doorbell
Video doorbells have gained popularity mostly as a way to stop people from stealing packages. Since 36% of online shoppers experience package theft, that’s reason enough to get one of these gadgets. Even if you don’t have a porch pirate problem, video doorbells can provide some needed security while you’re away.
These devices let users see who comes by their door and when, helping them keep track of activity around their house. Many of them also have motion sensors that send automatic alerts to users’ phones. If someone gets close to their home when they’re not supposed to, they’ll know it and can call the authorities if necessary.
Smart Locks
Smart locks allow users to lock and unlock their doors from their phone, no matter how far away they are. That’s a nice feature to have for people who misplace their keys, but it’s even better for security while on vacation. Homeowners can check to see if their doors are locked and then lock them if they aren’t.
If you like to stay productive while traveling, you may sometimes need to let someone into your home. Many smart locks let users grant other people temporary access to let in a friend or contractor. After the pre-set time expires, the temporary user won’t have access anymore, ensuring they can’t misuse their privileges.
Motion Sensors
Many smart security systems offer motion sensors, providing straightforward protection without bulky or expensive devices. Not all motion sensors are smart, but the ones that are will alert users through a companion app. That way, they can get alerts and take action even if they’re hundreds of miles away.
On top of alerting homeowners, many smart motion sensors come with other features. Some sound alarms, scaring away would-be burglars and alerting neighbors. Others will even contact local authorities automatically, taking care of the situation without users having to lift a finger.
A Smart Thermostat
I know a thermostat doesn’t sound like a home safety tool, but temperature changes can damage some goods. It’s tempting to shut your heating or cooling off entirely when you leave to save money. Without climate controls, though, you could encounter issues like frozen pipes, causing as much as $5,000 in damage.
Smart thermostats can help strike a balance between safety and energy efficiency. They adjust automatically according to temperature readings, heating or cooling homes with as little electricity as possible. Users don’t have to worry about damage from extreme temperatures and don’t have to sacrifice their energy bill in the process.
Smart Plugs
In a 2017 survey of convicted burglars, most agreed that lights and electronics would deter them from breaking into a house. When these things are on, it indicates that someone is home, which would make a break-in riskier. When I’m away, I don’t want to leave my electronics on, but I can work around that with smart plugs.
Smart plugs can turn virtually anything into a smart device, letting users control them remotely. Better yet, many have a scheduling feature, so you can set them to turn on and off at certain times. When lights, TVs and radios turn on according to a schedule, it mimics normal user behavior, making it look like a house is still occupied.
Smart Smoke Detectors
Not all threats to a home’s safety come from humans. Things like frayed wires, electrical problems and storms can cause a fire, which could be devastating without quick action. If you’re on vacation, you won’t hear a traditional smoke alarm, so you need something more advanced.
Like other smart home devices, smart smoke detectors send updates and alerts to users’ phones. Homeowners can see if there’s smoke in their home even while far away and act accordingly. They can then call the local fire department and handle the fire before it can spread and cause more damage.
Smart Leak Detectors
Something as mundane as a leak can become a substantial problem if it’s left unattended. Just one inch of standing water in a basement can cost homeowners $4,000.00 or more. We suggest using a smart leak detector to prevent that from happening to you.
These devices act as you’d expect them to, by sensing leaks as they happen and alerting your phone if they detect one. Many smart leak detectors also come with the option to shut off your water so that you can stop the leak. Water damage may not immediately come to mind when you think of home safety, but it’s a common issue and preventing it is crucial.
Keep Your Belongings Safe No Matter Where You Are
Modern technology means homeowners typically have more expensive property to worry about. Thankfully, this same tech provides a solution to the problem, by offering home security wherever you go. These seven gadgets can help you protect your home from many threats, letting you enjoy your hard-earned vacation.
For More:
On our site: How to Prepare Your Home for a Long Trip
On our site: many more travel tips!