We passed down the unimaginatively named Street 830 twice before stopping in front of a nondescript wall. Unsure whether I would be trespassing on someone’s home, I tentatively stuck my …
Dana Zartner
Dana Zartner
Dana Zartner spent the first two years of her life traveling around Europe with her parents in a green VW pop-top camper van while her dad was stationed in Germany. She believes that start to life instilled in her a deep love of travel and adventure (though now she prefers actual beds to camper pop-tops). A professor and advocate for global environmental justice by day, Dana is travel writing at night, hoping to share all the wonderful non-academic stories she has collected during her research journeys over the years. Dana considers her heart to be divided in four pieces between San Francisco, Cambodia, New Zealand, and Italy, but she is always willing to break off another chunk! When not traveling or teaching, Dana spends time reading what others are writing about travel, napping with her cats, and trying to do the NY Times Crossword. Follow her on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/dana.zartner/